Sunday, December 12, 2010
Interview with Mrs Murrow
One funny thing about him was he started to talk about my boy, Ernest, but I mean ,what was it …Holden, started to talk about this nonsense that he was running for class president, but surely my boy Ernest, would have told me about it, he writes me every Sunday, yes that’s him. Mmm.(nodding head)
Bit cheeky though…ermm Holden he was, mind you, my son can be as well sometimes probably picked it up from some of those kids at Pencey, though the boy couldn’t have made up all those stories he told to me about Ernest…could he?
He told me he lots of pretend things (shakes head) I’m mean there was so many of them. About my Ernie being shy n’ modest and all, he’s not that shy, is he? Well then, poor dear (looks into space)
If you ask me the boy Holden, could have been a total nutcase, if you ask me, he kept looking at me as if I was 16 again, boy, he was strange. Now I come to think of it, I don’t think he had a brain tumour after all, on account he was most surely lying about everything else. Thank goodness. Then what was he doing out of school before they let you out for the Christmas holidays. Oh! He didn’t get thrown out did he, poor thing. I feel terrible for him, his parents too. I wonder what they’ll have t’ do. I wonder what I’d do if my Ernie got the ax.
D’y’know what I remember that his nose was bleeding, I don’t know why but it makes me feel a bit funny so I told him in the end. I guess that anyone would have anyway. Bit peculiar if you ask me though.
Monday, December 6, 2010
An Old Student of Mine Again
Sunday, October 24, 2010
The story of That Girl
If I ever met…
Such a serene little girl.
With blond curls and blue eyes,
Her soft hands lingered in her mothers.
Her smooth pink cheeks
Holding that perfect smile.
If she ever had an inkling
That this Sunday,
Was the Sunday that her most beloved family member
Would be lost.
Her mother-- looks pretty,
With her long blond curls and blue eyes, always smelt sweet.
The white dress draped her back as she crossed the road,
She was audacious.
Her mother was the only ne that the little girl was close to.
The little girl cried over
Her mothers now pale skin.
Dripping a profuse amount
Of perfect tears of love
Over her mothers cracked lips and stretched cheek bones.
Crying the waves of the pacific,
Now she had no one to share laughter with, to share her love with.
This lasted days.
Until her abhorrent father
Confiscated her traces of her mother.
Beloved photos soaked in tears,
White linen that she slept in scented with sugar.
She was ruled by her mean father,
Shouting out orders like daggers.
Punishing her for half of what she never did.
She was always "that girl" to him.
For years until she was set free
Into the big world,
At first she was clueless.
Not little any more she figured it out.
The only place she had was a little apartment
With two rooms and a leaky sink.
The only money she made was
From working for a string factory.
But she soon realized that it was better living there,
Far from her father.
She soon made a friend,
A dark skinned girl,
As quiet as a mouse.
She taught her how to laugh.
She made another friend,
He had olive skin,
Taught her how to love.
She mad more friends.
How to live again.
She was happy, with the leaky sink, and the low pay.
She had friends,
All types.
And shared the rest of the life with them.
She was happy.
She figured life out.
To live it with happiness,
And share it with the ones you love most.
(made it up.)
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
The Catcher in the Rye
happened to me
around Christmas.
Just before I got pretty run down.
Had to come here to take it easy".
My room--
The heat was on for a change,
Made it feel kind of cosy.
There is two armchairs in my room,
There is two goddam armchairs in every room.
All the arms were in sad shape--
Everyone always sits on them.
'cus they looked soft I guess.
Oh yea,
I got kicked out too.
I don't think I was supposed to come back,
After Christmas i mean.
On account,
I was flunking everything,
except English.
Now I think I'm gonna hang around
For some kind of goodbye sign.
I don't care if its a sad goodbye,
A bad goodbye.
When I leave a place
I like to know I'm leaving it,
If you don't,
You feel worse.
All of a sudden,
I thought of something.
"Made me know I was getting the heel out".
Thursday, October 7, 2010
The Secret Life of Bees By Sue Monk Kidd

Reviewed by Eleanor A.
Sue Monk Kidd has created a wonderful world in just one book, The Secret Life of Bees. It is the story of Lily Owens, living with her harsh father-- T.Ray--on his peach farm in South Carolina, 1964. Her life is circled around the fuzzy image of the day her mother died. Lily has a big, black kind-hearted “stand in mother” for since she can remember-Rosaleen.
When Rosaleen insults three of the most bigotry people in town they muster up the gust to escape from the police, T.Ray and his peaches, to Tiburon, South Carolina where they’re introduced to a trio of black sisters—Agust, June and May—make Black Madonna honey for a living. They happily take them both in for a while, with a condition—Lily has to help make the honey and Rosaleen has to help with the house work. I think Lily is a lovely girl that decided on her own that she wanted to know as much as she could about the traces and memories of her mother.
This book is a great Realistic fiction novel; it is a New York Times Bestseller. I enjoyed The Secret Life of Bees because it is written so sweetly. I think that this book will touch your heart with various emotions, as it did mine. A great book to read, The Secret Life of Bees.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Late Homewok

Don't you hate it when you get home from school and you say you'll start you're homework, but you go off thinking you have better things to do and don't get round to it until it's too late. Or when it’s a weekend, you know you have spare time, and know you have to do homework, but you go and do something else anyway. When you leave homework until the last possible minutes.
Well something like that happened to me last weekend. I left my school bag at a friend's house with all my books and work in it, and the only time I could retrieve it was Sunday afternoon. So I went and got it. As soon as I got home we ate dinner, as soon as we ate dinner I took a shower. I only had a few minutes to do my homework before my mom started on a long tirade about should have done it earlier. So I ran to the computer (still wet), sat down and dried my hands and typed faster than the worlds fastest. I finished my writing, Spanish and science work in recorded time.
So I think I should start my homework earlier next time.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
You Got to Love Her
The sweet look in her eyes as they open into wide blue pools of happiness.
We sit on the berry colored bean bags,
And jabber on for short hours about anything we can think of.
We drink sugary drinks together,
And laugh ourselves silly.
We take in one balloon worth of helium between us,
And scare our mother with the squeak of our voices.
We lie on the hammock and nudge each other,
Until 'Crash', one of us falls.
We fight sometimes too.
All the way to slaps and shouts,
But I still love her, not just because she's my sister,
Because she's a friend and you got to love her.
She's like a pet; they get annoying, and are hard to get rid of.
But you still love them anyway.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Hot Lime and Honey

The hot water burns your pink lips as you taste the flirty sweetness and sour goodness smooth down you're through as soft s a butterfly's wing. The hot honey and cool lime swirls together in a hot perfume of tea that hits you in the head with a perfect essence. The warmth of the hot liquid spreads through out the inside of your chest. You bring the rim of the mug to your lips for the last time and take a sip, making your taste buds go wild. A drip of tea strolls down your chin and drops off leaving a sticky path of choughs in its own way. Your sore scratched throat is smooth again, and you feel fine as you put the mug down next to you. You turn the light off, leaving darkness in its place. Then…you slowly drift to sleep.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Silly Bands
I don’t abhor them in all the ways possible and they're not amiss in any way, its just I don’t see the point of them. This is not a tirade of everything about silly bands, it's just my opinion. I mean some of them are cute but its not like they're worth anything, are they? They were probably invented when the rubber band factory messed a bunch up and then decided to sell them as what ever you think the look like. Naming them something that can represent all of them - Silly Bands. Come on…I don’t even know what some of them are. They're expensive too, two whole dollars for like four of them. I also wonder why boys have them as well. For example, I recently heard a little boy scream to his mother saying, "MOMMY, MOMMY, I GOT THE PINK FLOWER SILLY BAND, it can go by my orange dinosaur now." or something like that anyway. Or I see little children impelling their mothers to buy silly bands for them. I have a question, why when some people have an armful of silly bands they still entreat for more? I see them everywhere, it's like they haunt me or something. Out of the corner of my eye, red, green . . . glow in the dark, what next? I guess we'll have an interminable era of them until the next thing comes along.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I LOVE ICE. How cold it is, how it melts on your mouth. How the little lump of snow brushes cooley down your throat.
I Often get a glass and fill it up to the brim full of ice. I sit there eating it, as my mother teases me: shes never seen someone have so much ice before. My maid used to call me la reina del hielo... until I asked her to stop because it got annoying. But seriously, I like it.
Monday, September 20, 2010
I Should Set a Better Example for my Sisters

I threw myself onto the soft bed and tilted my head back, to look up at the white light as I turned it off, only to leave a small yellow lamp on. It was 3:45, the time we got usually get home.
I was in my room for 2 hours; reading, painting my nails, and all that stuff. You could call it anything but homework. Without me knowing my littlest sister did the same thing(but just not for that long).
My sister told my mother and she blamed it on me. Just then I realized that I need to set a better example for my own sisters.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
The Girl that Finally got Caught
In the wolf room 'till four,
Or so she said.
She and her friends strolled casually down to the bakery,
Down the road, so slow, to study,
Or so she said.
They had gone there, to find us, sitting on a carved bench,
Waiting for exactly four,
Or so we said.
A 'gasp' we heard, and embarrassed looks suddenly crossed her face,
Guilt, sorrow, innocence,
So we saw.
The sound of her voice was soft like the white linen that draped my mothers back.
She told us that she'd been talked into it,
So we heard.
Standing there, glowing with sorrow,
It was her, the girl who finally got caught.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
WW letter
County Hall, Walton Street
Aylesbury, HP20 1UA
September 8th, 1933
Dear Mary Williams,
Hello again, I'm just checking things are fine down there.
I have recently been into town with mother to get the Anthology of poems. I have been dearly wanting it for the past few months, I am blessed the shop still had it. Though, I almost purchaised the collection of anonymus stories. I have been waiting long for it because father only gives me sixpence a week.
Gran came to visit last Sunday for tea, she was wearing the dearest pink bonnet I ever saw. Gran bought the two prettiest frocks over for me too (she usually brings me something for her disposition is so bright), an early birthday gift I'm guessing. Mary, I hope you are coming down next week, for its my 14 year.
I've heard the flu has recurred just out side of Oxfordshire. Oh, I hope you don't go and get it, its getting quite prevalent and I can not afford to loose anyone else nowadays.
I have to go to the school fate this afternoon, this generations school fates are extraordinary. Well then I will leave you there for now.
your loving friend always,
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Confession Tuesday List
2. I'm not so keen on the color red, and I detest light pink, but love dark pink.
3. Most of the time I paint my nails, I usually wait until their dry and then I take the color off: I don't like the way I paint my own nails.
4. I think most breeds of cats are ugly, with the exception of a few.
5. I hate all of the curtains in my house, in my opinion they're hidious.
6. I really think the wardrobes in my and sisters room were designed with no thought put into them. It has a panel in the middle of the frame for the doors and a set of drawers build inside of them takes up almost half of the space, then... its complicated and I really don't like them, they're annoying.
7. I get really irritated with fake flowers, I can't stand how they look.
8. I Killed my first and only goldfish 3 years ago when I fed it chocolate cake.
9. I have uneven hand writing and can't spell at all, and it takes a while for someone to convince me to like a certain picture I drew.
10. I love clod things to eat or drink such as ice for example.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Only Three Minutes
I usually spend a short two minuets talking to friends, a couple of seconds opening my locker, then pulling books out and putting books in. Then I rush off to my next class only just making it there in time. I did this approximately always before the bell rang, but now I almost run to get there on time, I manage to get there but there's no time to mingle with friends. A good time to do that is during lunch, and the problem with that is I cant sit with everyone at once. We get other times to talk, yes. But I often would say I'll talk to you after class. Not any more though, I guess I'll just have to find a way around it.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
One Nosy Cat
I have a cat with a blue nose. Why, you may ask? It all started like this:
My mom was sitting in the large kitchen painting with the many watercolors she owns. My cat was helping too: he was drinking the paint water and chewing the clean brushes. My mom had a thin brush that was colored blue in her paint stained hand . Suddenly out of no where she lifts up the brush to the tip of Toms nose and paints it blue in one stroke, I laughed so hard I almost fell of my chair. I said it was really mean, but her only response was laughing. Poor cat.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Chocolate Ice Cream and Popcorn

Everyone likes chocolate Ice cream, don’t they? Also when you go to the movies everyone loves popcorn, right? Well, I guess I don’t, don’t like chocolate ice cream, and don’t like eating popcorn at the movies. Don't know why though.
Chocolate ice cream its…it's just to rich, don’t you think? Well no you probably like it lots. But I guess people have different tastes to different things. I MEAN everyone has different tastes to different things. (I've got to stop 'guessing'.)
Now popcorn, you say, ooo…ooo…gimmie! Me do I say that? No. Its just soo salty and buttery. (And if anyone didn't know, I don’t like butter either. It's just sooo fatty and tastes all oily.)
Now I'm not making any of this up. It all comes form the heart…umm I mean taste buds: D
A Tell-Tail Heart
"I gingerly ran my ran my finger under cold water for a long few seconds-for there was an abrasion on the left side of it. The reason was I was lighting the fire was due to the cold weather.
"I was clad in warm clothing, in my favorite armchair -the old blue on by the fireplace-with a glass of water in my hand. (I was dehydrated because I had to stock up at the market on the families and mine inventories. I usually drink tea if I'm up this late.) Sitting back in my chair, I picked up my favorite book The Simulation of the Bee Epidemic. I always get so deep into that book that barley anything snaps me out of it.
"Reading in my warm living room I heard a loud thud from next door, I tried to endeavor to keep reading and not peek through the curtains. Though I was reading the words on page 167, I was not listening to them. Just then I heard the most gruesome scream which spread a grimace across my face. I could derive it came from next door again.
"I thought it was nothing serious, or maybe it was? I didn't know. I remember it electrified me when I heard that piercing sound and then I kept on 'reading'. I started saying things to my self: should I call or not call the copp'as-you. I surmised something WAS wrong so I succumbed to the note, 'or not'.
"I ran to the phone by the front door and dilled your number in a cursory manner and waited for someone to pick up on the other line. I told you to come here because I thought something suspicious was going on next door. Though I didn't have anything o corroborate me statement.
"I was pacing until I heard the faint trot of horses hooves down the dark road. They were getting louder and louder until they stopped outside my house. I rushed out side and saw you get out the cart. And that’s all constable."
"Thank you miss, we'll go and look around next door, have a good night now." The police man said in a deep voice, and then the walked over next door.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I'm picky about lots of things: food, colors, smells. But one thing that I'm not sure about is when people dress their twins or triplets in matching clothes. It really bothers me that twins or triplets almost always have to dress the same. I think it gives then no individuality which they should have, even from an early age. I recently saw two identical grown-ups in a super market the other day. they were wearing the exact same skirt, shirt, shoes, and haircut. they looked like one was looking at her self through a mirror. I mean don't they want to be individual at all?
Monday, August 23, 2010

When the maid left and summer started meant no more school and lots more mess. The sink was heaving with dirty dishes by the end of a humid day. And the floor was sprinkled with dust and crumbs. We, us kids would have to do the washing dishes and sweeping the floor of that kitchen every night after dinner. Dreading this time we would always trek through it making excuses: "I need to go to the bathroom", "I need to get the used glass from my bedroom." But we always got dragged back to finish up. We always let our maid clean up, which makes us inexperienced in that area. So maybe we should occasionally take our little turn too; and not get used to not chipping in
Thursday, August 19, 2010
I Remember
But that phrase would often lead to a negative time that had happened closely before.
We occasionally fight
Instantly creating regrets.
We have good times too
But they are not cherished enough
In the photos that were left on the window sill
Were in the process of being looked at
But faded in the sunlight.
The moments we share
Turn onto memories we try to keep
Which are remembered,
But mostly forgotten
We have times when things evoke these precious fortunes
And we cherish those times most.
Though I would often say," we fought that other day,
Remember that, I'm sorry."
I didn't say," remember yesterday,
When we had a lot of fun."
These beloved occasions I want to hold on to more cautiously.
So when there not always around
To make these lovely memories happen
So I can say to my self, "I remember,"
And I'll be content.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Peachy Pink Flushed Cheeks
Mom, with a tiny baby in her arms lying prostrate, was finally home. Her bright peachy pink flushed cheeks wiped a smile across her face as she opened her Caribbean sea blue eyes to look at me. Her dark brown curls overlapping her pink blanket, looked adorable, she had the tiniest features I've ever saw. Her tiny toes sticking out if the end of the blanket, I instantly knew I would have fun painting them peachy pink,just like her cheeks. There she really was, my new beautiful sister...Emily.
My naturally pretty mother looked proud proud to have her in her arms. Not at all like haughtiness, just like Charlie, my brother would be while bragging about her little eyes to his so called friends at school.
I was filled with rapture as I thought how gratified I was for her to be in my life. I knew soon I wold have an eager whim to beseech to hold her.
A good twenty seconds had passed since Mom came through that door and now already I could hear Charlie tripping through cream colored halls. A curious head peeked at us from behind a corner. Happiness crossed his face at soon as he saw her, both Mom and new Emily. Suddenly and impetuously he ran over to Mom and instantly hugged her leg.
Then I knew I was lucky enough o have such a lavishly feeling life.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Funny Obsessiveness

Today I'm going to confess that I think its really funny when someone gets obsessed with some thing--its kind of annoying sometimes too.
Like my mom for example, she is deep into the twilight saga series already on the fourth book from starting the beginning of the series three weeks before. She's also been to various websites to find the first movie shes been craving to see. After she sees that one she probably going to hunt down the second movie--New Moon. I think she picked it up from one of her twilight obsessive friend.
Another case of obsessiveness is when my heavy accented Texan neighbor fell in love with Justin Beiber. She wrote his name all over her new binder. A few weeks later she got bored with him, and yet then a few days later she hated him. i don't know why, but she did. And of course she still had her binder covered in his name.
Personally I think is really funny, I don't know about you, but for me its that way.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Acrylic Paint

In art we are painting pictures with acrylic paint--the type that stains clothes.
So one day I was helping someone with their master piece.
" Hey Eleanor, could you help me make this color," Mehr said holding up a color that she printed of from the Internet.
"Sure," I said, and walked over to the side where she was standing.
We probably mixed eight different colors together until we had found the closest color to the one we needed a few minuets before the bell to our next class.
We put our stuff away and went to our classes, mine was science. During science I saw that I had a short line of skin colored paint across the top of my shirt and a another along the hem of my black school pants. Luckily you can't notice them
Now I've learned that I will never use acrylic paints --like that at least--again. I swear I won't even touch them. There just too messy, for me at least.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Two More Days
"I'm gratified to say that we will be staying another two days here in Colorado," my dad said to me and my two sisters--Elizabeth and Frances.
I was filled with rapture as I plucked a coat from my suit case and picked my soft gray boots and walked over to the brown polished door. I sat down and carefully and slowly put the boots on while pondering for a second, what if we go shopping at the near by mall, but my mom said we would go to the snow covered park. Shoot.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
...I Don't Like to Paint...

I gotta confess that I don't like to paint with any medium, color with any pencils, or make origami with whatever fancy patterned little papers you ask me to make it with. Shocking huh, to hear it form me at least.
Painting is not the best thing to do for me... its messy, not that I'm a clean freak or anything. Its just...well...messy, as I said. But it gets ever so boring, and usually when I finish painting--if I ever start--I usually don't like my final piece. So I paint a coat of either white or black paint on top of it, depending on the volume of the color underneath.
Coloring, OH, don't even get me started on that, I don't mean to talk your ears of but it makes me so impatient. Especially when I'm coloring one big object the same one color and one side is darker than the other, ugh. I JUST ABSOLUTELY HATE CRAYONS!!!! You will never see me use one in this lifetime... ever. The texture, and color it produces is awful, horrible.
Now Origami, its got no fun in it at all, all you do it fold a little paper, turn it into a creative masterpiece and forget about it, leave it there to rot away or something. All your final piece does is either get ripped or squashed by you never ending math textbook.
I hope I haven't drastically changed your mind and made you give up on something because its only my opinion. The is always something I'll like about art is drawing or sketching--whatever you'd prefer to call it. I absolutely love to draw, Its my leading hobby, and it always will be.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
The Beauty of Nature
Description: Its an eye catcher even for the blind, its the first thing we see when we look out of windows at the crack of dawn, its the thing we admire at sunset, the first dewdrop in morning, its the last bit of light at the end of the day. Here are some poems written by various poets with this idea in mind.
Synopsis: A few poems about the beauty of Nature
The Sick Rose by William Blake
A Red Red Rose by Robert Burns
A Country Path In Late spring by Mark R Slaughter
Dust of Snow by Robert Frost
To a Butterfly by William Wordsworth
Petals by Amy Lowell
Loveliest of Trees by A. E. Housman
Of Nature I shall have enough by Emily Dickinson
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
they all seem
either never ending
ninety miles an hour.
a clock, two hands,
long and short.
Why is it
that time,
goes by so slowly
while were
And when your having fun
time goes by
as fast as a bullet.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Windy days are like a rough time through life.
It is constantly moving forward, even when it feels its not.
Never does it stop or even pause, it keep blowing forward, some
Days it feels like its never going to end.
Yes, it always does eventually.
Doesn't slack,
And doesn't speed up,
Yet, its always going to be paced.
Monday, April 12, 2010

Beautiful as they look,
Lovely as they seem,
Ubiquitous as they are,
Elegant as they should be.
Blue bells in the cold morning air, surrounded by
Evan stands of scattered lush green grass with unbelievable, tiny,
Little, round dew drops scattered here and there.
Lovely as the cold morning breeze these flowers may seem, just
Suppose if they were natures graciously, majestic, never ending beauty.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Always scrambling to one and others lockers for the ten books we need for the next three classes.
Longing for the end of the day to come we push through, chattering our heads off.
Because everyone has piles of homework for each class we struggle to get it done by the end of the day; always squeezing some in during lunch and the spare time in between classes.
Of course we get it all done by the end of the day and get rewarded by the end of the day with encouraging words.
At the end of the day we all feel tired and drowsy but we know that we did well.
Inspiring . . .
William Blake
When my mother died I was very young,
And my father sold me while yet my tongue,
Could scarcely cry weep weep weep weep,
So your chimneys I sweep & in soot I sleep.
Theres little Tom Dacre, who cried when his head
That curled like a lambs back was shav'd, so I said.
Hush Tom never mind it, for when your head's bare,
You know that the soot cannot spoil your white hair
And so he was quiet. & that very night.
As Tom was a sleeping he had such a sight
That thousands of sweepers Dick, Joe, Ned, & Jack
Were all of them lock'd up in coffins of black,
And by came an Angel who had a bright key
And he open'd the coffins & set them all free.
Then down a green plain leaping laughing they run
And wash in a river and shine in the Sun.
Then naked & white, all their bags left behind.
They rise upon clouds, and sport in the wind.
And the Angel told Tom, if he'd be a good boy,
He'd have God for his father & never want joy.
And so Tom awoke and we rose in the dark
And got with our bags & our brushes to work.
Tho' the morning was cold, Tom was happy & warm
So if all do their duty, they need not fear harm.
Often when you read them and its like the words flow all the way off the edges of the paper.
Every thing the author has go to do with imagination goes into these creative pieces of inspiring writing.
Try and read one great piece of poetry without being overcome with emotion.
Really everything is put together with metaphors and repetitions, to make the poem linger through your head for a reasonable time to actually process it and understand it and enjoy it.
Yes, I like poems because how the author writes it, not just about who wrote it or the title, but the words he puts together and as I said how he writes it.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Percy Jackson & The Olympians The Lightning Theif

Percy Jackson (Logan Lerman)has a HUGE problem, hes been accused of steeling Zeus's (Sean Bean)ever so precious lightning bolt. Who would ever do such a thing. Watch this amazing film to find out why and how!
Ever wonder what its like being the son or daughter of a God-- a demigod? Percy Jackson is one of them, without knowing it until his mother Sally Jackson (Catherine Keener)takes him ti a camp called Halfboold hill; where all demigods, satyrs, nymphs, and mermaids stay for the whole year round or just for the summer. While he was rushing on his way there with his mother and Grover (Brandon T. Jackson)--Percy's best friend-- they got attacked by a minotaur (an animal 1/4 human and 3/4 bull). It "killed" Percy's mother, or so he thought.
He got to Halfblood Hill where everyone immediantley knew who he was, son of Posiden(Kevin McKidd). As soon as he gets settled in, he was offered a quest that he decides to take. Percy has to find return a lightning bolt to Zeus. One of the places that Percy decides to look for the lightning blot is the underworld, that's where he decides to try and get his mother back. He only has a certain amount of days. Come and watch him and his friends battle Medusa and try and kill off a three headed monster, and many more exiting things.
I like how the director (Chris Columbus) made Grover (as well as Percys friend his protector)bring out his character more in the movie rather than in the book. He had more of a personality when Percy discovers that hes a satyr--half goat on the bottom half of him.
One thing I don't like about this movie is that they should of paid more attention to how the characters looked. In the book Annabeth (Alexandra Daddario)(daughter of Athena ans Percy's friend)had Honey comb blond colored hair and in the movie its brunette.
I really recommend this movie to people who love adventure and fantasy.I also think that it can be summed up in one word, fantastic!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
They Don't Take American Express

Today we went shopping and came across a shop called Jonathan Z. Its full of nice clothes that all probably are waiting for someone to try on. I tried a few pairs of clothes on for about an hour. But when we came to pay all my mom had was an American express credit card--which they didn't take. My mom gave them her name so she could come back later with some loose cash to pay for the hard choosing of those clothes. I didn't think we would, and now its right before 8:00 so most likely we won't. Ohh well, I really liked those clothes.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
My Cat, Tom and My Bird, Birdie
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

By Eleanor Ashcroft
Some people probably think that they're much better than others just because of their amount of money they have, or culture maybe race. When you come to think about it were all human beings, all the same. The problem in the movie is when the RDA ( who are ex-marines) came to a planet called Pandora --a few light years away from earth--for a very important resource called onubtainium; they treated the Na'vis (who are blue-ten-foot tall colored natives to the planet) as a much lower class and level as they are different. As one of the marines partly said, " … to just extract what you want … and the Na'vis can't do anything about it … because if they don't we'll destroy their home." And that’s what they did. The Director James Cameron made this movie worth it in the end, because he used the technology that he had to his satisfaction.
"Meat on wheels," colonel Miles said as Jake Sully (Sam Worthington) was passing on his wheel chair. He has come to participate in a program called Avatar directed by a force called the RDA who was ex-marines, on a planet called Pandora. As soon as his gets into his avatar--it's when he gets to control a Na'vi body with his mind. He is experiencing a lot when he gets lost in the jungle, and he starts to encounter different animals that he doesn't know how to react to, until a native named Neytiri (Zoe Saladana) saves him from them. But she quickly regrets it as soon as she sees that he is special. Sully is being trained by the Na'vis, Neytiri regrets training him because of all his flaws and how he doesn’t do very well in anything she teaches. The RDA wants this to get past the Na'vis--who doesn't have a clue of what's coming for them--to the resource that they were trying so hard to get. Find out if Jake sully gains their trust, and if they even get the resource.
Watching Avatar is like watching a whole other world go by with all its exotic plants and curious looking animals. You will be amazed when you see this place James Cameron has created for you to watch. You'll be on the edge of your seat when the characters bounce off the screen, for its in 3-D. and the ground-breaking visual effects will blow your mind. Anyone who loves sci-fi, action and adventure will admire this movie for its amazing framework and what the actors put into playing out the plot.
In Avatar the Weta digital special effects crew created over 1,800 stereo scopic photo-realistic visual effect shots. I like how the director, James Cameron made these blue people so realistic. It started 13 years ago when it was just an idea, and it took him until now to get it out and going. But in 1996 when it all started the technology was not going to satisfy him, so he put it on hold until 2009 when the technology was much better to his taste. He made the line between fantasy and real life come together.
Come see a movie with Sam Worthington as Jake sully, Zoe Saladana as Neytiri, Sigournney Weaver as Dr. Grace Augustine, Stephen Lang as Colonel Miles Quaritch, Joel Moore as Norm Spellman, Giovanni Ribsi as Parker Selfridge, and Michelle Rodriguez as Trudy Chacon. This is a wonderful movie that I would recommend to everyone who loves all great movies.
Monday, March 1, 2010

I was just thinking today that the hardest word in the English language is UP, I've found out that its listed in the dictionary as an adverb, preparation, adjective, noun, verb; if you take the time to look you would see that the meaning will take UP at least 1/4 of the page.
Its easy to understand the meaning of up as in towards the sky or at the top of a list. But when we wake up in the mornings why do we wake UP? At school, why does a topic come UP? And for home work why is is UP for us to write UP a report? We call UP our friends, brighten UP the room, warm UP our food, clean UP our room, lock UP our locker and fix UP our hair.
At other times this word is used in a way you actually care about, like to make UP excesses, to stir UP trouble, line UP for tickets, or to work UP an apatite. To get dressed is one thing, to dress UP is something special.
All this talk about UP is confusing: A drain must be opened UP because its clogged UP. We open UP a store in the morning and we close it UP at night. I seem to be getting pretty mixed UP about UP.
To know the proper use of UP, look UP the word UP in the dictionary. You will probably find it will add UP to about thirty definitions. When the sun comes out we say its clearing UP. When it rains it soaks up, when it has nor rained fro a long time we say its drying UP. I could go on but I'll wrap it UP for now. Okay now I'll shut UP.
Wow... I need a hobby!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Hes a Fool

Booker T. Washington
In the book Mama Calls Booker T. Washington as a "fool". Ms. Johnson quoted "education has spoiled many a good plow hands." Meaning that education has made them fools because education is now and plowing is then, everyone wants now more then.
I think Mama calls those people fools because she probably thinks that Black people don't have much hope and they wouldn't need much help to try and get some. Pushing my thinking further I also think that Mama might say this because she thinks that Booker T. Washington and George Murchison are fools like people who tried to succeed, the both failed and the gave up on people like them then.
George Murchison and Booker T. Washington are both the same in ways because they went against some people, ( in Gorges case, Beneatha) they also wanted to change some peoples lives to their taste like on page 96 and 97 where Gorge and Beneatha fight, sort of. Gorge wants education to get a job and then get money, so then he will feel that he'll be accepted by the white people because of his money (same happend with booket T. Wasington. He said, "do what you can and fit in." However, Beneatha wants education to find her identity and to acomplish self forfillment.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Alice in Wonderland

Tim Burton has created yet another exiting looking movie, an adaptation of
Tim Burton is a director of many films including these: The Corpse bride, The Nightmare Before Christmas, an adaptation of James and the Giant Peach, and many more. That’s pretty impressive…Don’t you think?
Starring Johnny Depp, Mia Wasikowska, Crispin Glover, Anne Hathaway, Helen Bonham Carter. This movie was rated PG and is distributed by Walt Disney Pictures. Coming March 5, 2010.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Frog Kisses

A dissertation on The princess and the Frog
Would you kiss a frog I know I wouldn't? Come and watch this wonderful movie packed full of funny and even scary moments, with loads of suspense throughout them.
Tiana, a little girl with a big dream. Comes from family a of a mother who's a tailor and a father who works three jobs just to keep his family going.
Tianas got a big dream, one shes been saving for her whole life. She wants to run a restaurant and make gumball for everyone. But mostly to fill her fathers dream.
She wishes on a star to get her restaurant. A frog, she sees one sitting on the balcony. Next thing you know he's asking her to kiss him, and says he's prince Naveene and will turn into a handsome prince if she does so. Doubting herself she finally does kiss him.
"EEWWW, I'm a frog, and I'm covered in slime," Tiana shouts.
"Actually, its mucus," prince Naveene (still a frog) clarifies.
Tiana and Prince Naveene have heard about a 197 year old priestess named Mama Odie who lives deep in the bayou, might be able to help.
Theresa a catch, Fcilier, who changed prince Naveene into a frog. A man who performs dark magic's has called the dark things from the other side to help capture them.
On their way they make friends with a trumpet blowing alligator named Louis and a firefly named Ray: who is crazy in love with the brightest star at night, Evangeline. Will all four of them get to Mama Odie in time, or will the dark shadows from the other side beat catch them?
I like how the directors/animators, John Musker and Ron Clemets, made this movie more modern, but still with that fairy tale taste. Not with Huge castles and princesses that need a hair cut or always loosing their shoes; but with places and characters and moments you can relate to.
The voice of Tiana (Anika noni Rose) really puts in lots of effort in to it.
"I WILL NEVER, EVER KISS A FROG," she says when she was little, just after her mother her mother reads her an original story, The Princess and the Frog.
I think that this movie is great for anyone and everyone to watch, with its dark magic, and its fairy tale feeling. It pulls you into Tianas world, and as you watch you can relate. This movie is summed up with one word, fantastic.
A Rasin in the Sun

In literature, as in life, a character may search for a better way of life. Show how two characters from A Raisin in the Sun are searching for a better way of life. Briefly explain what each character is hoping to gain through this search and discuss the ways in which each character attempts to bring about a change in his or her life.
Many of the characters in A Raisin in the Sun by Lorain Hansbery want to change their life. one person I chose is Beneatha. She is searching for a better way of life by trying to find her identity. She has a boyfriend who she doesn't really like and a best friend who she has mixed feelings for, on page 63 and 64. Mama Lina gave some of the money to Beneatha for medical school. Beneatha hopes to gain an educated, more lived in life.She is attempting to change her life now by going to medical school with the money mama gave to her.
The other character I chose is mama. Mama is searching for a better way of life by spending insurance money on everyone, except for her. "I ain't rightly decided. some of it got to be put away for Benaeatha and her schoolin'-- and ain't nothing going to touch that part of it. Nothing. Been thinking that we maybe could meet the notes on a little old two story somewhere, with a yard where Travis could play in the summertime, if we used part of the insurance for a down payment and everybody kind of pitch in. I could maybe take on a little day work again' few days a week--," Mama said on page 44. She hopes to gain happiness through other people. She is attempting to change her life by moving to a new house and starting fresh.
Many characters in the book would like a better way in life, these are just two of them.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Phoebe in Wonderland
"The tea party's coming, "Mrs. Dodger, the drama teacher said. What would you think if you heard someone say those words? Well Phoebe Litchen (Elle Fanning) thinks those words are inspiring.
Phoebe is not a normal girl: her sister (Baile Madison) thinks she's crazy, her mother (Felicity Huffman) thinks she needs a therapist, her father (Bill Pullman) says she's a handful, but Mrs. Dodger (Patricia Clarkson) thinks she wonderful. Un-decided about signing up for the play, Alice in Wonderland, her imagination finally encourages her to "jump".
Signing up for the school production that Phoebe knows all about Wonderland was a good idea, for her mother is writing a dissertation on this magical place. "Jump," the red queen says. "Jump", Mrs. Dodger, the drama teacher says. "Don't jump," her mother says. Phoebe's mother is not ready to take on such a case of Tourette syndrome.
It doesn't take long to see the magical essence in this wonderful place that Phoebe sees. The Director (Daniel Barnz) really made this movie stand out because you can relate to her in school, at home, and even in the theater. He also gives us a good taste of how Tourette syndrome feels. When Phoebe spits she can't help it, she just spits. She can't help most of her actions, it's her biggest flaw. She says, "It's going to get worse before it gets better."
Elle Fanning really pulls you in to the movie when she struggles through living in wonderland and reality at the same time. There's arguing with her mother, and chatting with the red queen, going to the therapist, and then later imagining him dressed up as Humpty Dumpty.
From looking glass land, to her own home, this movie really is a great plot of a small girl which has a big problem, but finally realizing it while she tries to get it under control. I think this is a great movie that absolutely everyone will want and enjoy to watch.
Monday, January 11, 2010
SOOOOOOO Cute Jan 11
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Empty 6th
New years 2010!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Turkey, Turkey, Turkey 29th
Chirstmas!!! 25th

Morning: Hey, its finally here, but I'm sick that's the downside. Other than that its a nice day. Today I've gotten many presents, but one stands out in particular, the beautiful camera, gold and all new and smooth with all the buttons waiting to be pushed. Can't stop tacking pictures!
Afternoon: Gone to a Party with lots of food.MMM... And delicious dessert!!!
Christmas Eve...Sick 24th

Its horrible to be sick over Christmas... I was. Always tired, always droopy, walking around with a box of tissues. Not eating much at all, but there are some advantages, well maybe one-you can sleep through all the fireworks.
Everyone said that there were loads of fireworks on Christmas Eve and that they couldn't rest, I however, slept through it all!