Today we went shopping and came across a shop called Jonathan Z. Its full of nice clothes that all probably are waiting for someone to try on. I tried a few pairs of clothes on for about an hour. But when we came to pay all my mom had was an American express credit card--which they didn't take. My mom gave them her name so she could come back later with some loose cash to pay for the hard choosing of those clothes. I didn't think we would, and now its right before 8:00 so most likely we won't. Ohh well, I really liked those clothes.
Today i went ripstiking and decided to ride down the biggish hill that passes past my house. You walk up to about halfway.(All the way at the top of it is too far and makes you go to fast to even control the ripstick.)Then you just ride down on the ripstik--hopefully keeping your balance--feeling the cool breeze brushing through your hair. Your thoughts left at your starting point so you're mind went blank. We had to stop because the humidity started to roll in and the rain started dropping down on me. Any way, it was fun.
We recently got a bird named Birdie. And all Tom does is staare at it. While the bird does a little routeine of hopping on every thing in the same order over and over again...its so funny
wow I need to write more next time!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
By Eleanor Ashcroft
Some people probably think that they're much better than others just because of their amount of money they have, or culture maybe race. When you come to think about it were all human beings, all the same. The problem in the movie is when the RDA ( who are ex-marines) came to a planet called Pandora --a few light years away from earth--for a very important resource called onubtainium; they treated the Na'vis (who are blue-ten-foot tall colored natives to the planet) as a much lower class and level as they are different. As one of the marines partly said, " … to just extract what you want … and the Na'vis can't do anything about it … because if they don't we'll destroy their home." And that’s what they did. The Director James Cameron made this movie worth it in the end, because he used the technology that he had to his satisfaction.
"Meat on wheels," colonel Miles said as Jake Sully (Sam Worthington) was passing on his wheel chair. He has come to participate in a program called Avatar directed by a force called the RDA who was ex-marines, on a planet called Pandora. As soon as his gets into his avatar--it's when he gets to control a Na'vi body with his mind. He is experiencing a lot when he gets lost in the jungle, and he starts to encounter different animals that he doesn't know how to react to, until a native named Neytiri (Zoe Saladana) saves him from them. But she quickly regrets it as soon as she sees that he is special. Sully is being trained by the Na'vis, Neytiri regrets training him because of all his flaws and how he doesn’t do very well in anything she teaches. The RDA wants this to get past the Na'vis--who doesn't have a clue of what's coming for them--to the resource that they were trying so hard to get. Find out if Jake sully gains their trust, and if they even get the resource. Battle through this amazing adventure to see who gets to keep the Unubtainium, the Na'vis or the RDA.
Watching Avatar is like watching a whole other world go by with all its exotic plants and curious looking animals. You will be amazed when you see this place James Cameron has created for you to watch. You'll be on the edge of your seat when the characters bounce off the screen, for its in 3-D. and the ground-breaking visual effects will blow your mind. Anyone who loves sci-fi, action and adventure will admire this movie for its amazing framework and what the actors put into playing out the plot.
In Avatar the Weta digital special effects crew created over 1,800 stereo scopic photo-realistic visual effect shots. I like how the director, James Cameron made these blue people so realistic. It started 13 years ago when it was just an idea, and it took him until now to get it out and going. But in 1996 when it all started the technology was not going to satisfy him, so he put it on hold until 2009 when the technology was much better to his taste. He made the line between fantasy and real life come together.
Come see a movie with Sam Worthington as Jake sully, Zoe Saladana as Neytiri, Sigournney Weaver as Dr. Grace Augustine, Stephen Lang as Colonel Miles Quaritch, Joel Moore as Norm Spellman, Giovanni Ribsi as Parker Selfridge, and Michelle Rodriguez as Trudy Chacon. This is a wonderful movie that I would recommend to everyone who loves all great movies.
I was just thinking today that the hardest word in the English language is UP, I've found out that its listed in the dictionary as an adverb, preparation, adjective, noun, verb; if you take the time to look you would see that the meaning will take UP at least 1/4 of the page.
Its easy to understand the meaning of up as in towards the sky or at the top of a list. But when we wake up in the mornings why do we wake UP? At school, why does a topic come UP? And for home work why is is UP for us to write UP a report? We call UP our friends, brighten UP the room, warm UP our food, clean UP our room, lock UP our locker and fix UP our hair.
At other times this word is used in a way you actually care about, like to make UP excesses, to stir UP trouble, line UP for tickets, or to work UP an apatite. To get dressed is one thing, to dress UP is something special.
All this talk about UP is confusing: A drain must be opened UP because its clogged UP. We open UP a store in the morning and we close it UP at night. I seem to be getting pretty mixed UP about UP.
To know the proper use of UP, look UP the word UP in the dictionary. You will probably find it will add UP to about thirty definitions. When the sun comes out we say its clearing UP. When it rains it soaks up, when it has nor rained fro a long time we say its drying UP. I could go on but I'll wrap it UP for now. Okay now I'll shut UP.