Don't you hate it when you get home from school and you say you'll start you're homework, but you go off thinking you have better things to do and don't get round to it until it's too late. Or when it’s a weekend, you know you have spare time, and know you have to do homework, but you go and do something else anyway. When you leave homework until the last possible minutes.
Well something like that happened to me last weekend. I left my school bag at a friend's house with all my books and work in it, and the only time I could retrieve it was Sunday afternoon. So I went and got it. As soon as I got home we ate dinner, as soon as we ate dinner I took a shower. I only had a few minutes to do my homework before my mom started on a long tirade about should have done it earlier. So I ran to the computer (still wet), sat down and dried my hands and typed faster than the worlds fastest. I finished my writing, Spanish and science work in recorded time.
So I think I should start my homework earlier next time.